EUR/USD (6E Futures): Live Trading With Order Flow

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6 thoughts on “EUR/USD (6E Futures): Live Trading With Order Flow”

  1. Thank you, Dale – this was very helpful. It was great to see how you use order flow to manage a trade and how you find areas of importance.

  2. Hi Dale,
    Im still new to OF trading. Looking at the trade and the analysis which you just did, do you factor in the overall market trend say on the 4 hrly or hourly? If the general market trend is UP what you were trading was a pullback and that is why the price then shot up. Could this have been the scenario?

  3. Hi, Dale. I understood the reasoning for the sell entry at resistance.. agreed in terms of entering the sell at the point of interest with the sellers and buyers both fighting the position with high volume.

    But, I do not understand why you did not use the same method of entry as an exit strategy when you saw it happening for the buy side? there was a reasonable good support, price was rolling over and you had high volumes from both sides(with the buyers actually winning in the range).

    Otherwise you managed the risk well and came out positive.

    Thank you for the knowledge you are passing on.

  4. Hello LES

    Maybe I should have quitted the trade there, but there was unfinished business (failed auction) at the low of the formation so I thought the price would test it.

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