How To Trade With Volume Profile – Weekly Trading Ideas 25th January 2021

*Disclaimer: Presented opinions, trades and trading ideas on the markets and charts is not advice nor a trading recommendation. It is general information and it is for educational purposes only.

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3 thoughts on “How To Trade With Volume Profile – Weekly Trading Ideas 25th January 2021”

  1. Hi, I have been watching your videos and received your free book thank you for that, I have a few questions,
    1. you mention a free 5 day trial on some of your videos, I was not able to find it, is it still available?
    2. I have Ninjatrader 8 lifetime membership and I pay $12.00 a month for level one data feed, do I need anything else for your software?
    3. I trade micro futures- Emini, MES, MCG, MNQ M6E, RTY, do you have live videos for trading the Emini SP500?
    4. Do you have a live trade room for members if so how much does that cost?
    I have bought many training packages over the years and none of them I would have bought if I could have test drive it first, It would be great to have someone to mentor me for 2 weeks or so to see if this is for me.
    I am going to watch as many of your videos as I can over next week and I think I would like your order flow if I can learn to get in and out of a trade with profit.
    Thanks Gary Harris

  2. Hi Gary, of course!

    1.) 5-day free trials are available for all I got, please send me a direct email to regarding any you want and I’ll provide you with all the instructions (a lot to type here :))
    2.) That’s great, of course not! You can even use it completely for free in most cases.
    3.) Only a couple: in the video course and on the secret page that goes with the book. 🙂 The most important thing to note here is that the methods work the same everywhere, I just use mostly Forex examples because that’s what most of my members trade.
    4.) I do not have that, although there’s an old discord forum you can access once my member. Generally, my goal is to provide my members with all the tools and courses to make them independent traders. That’s why I don’t encourage too much group teachings.

    I can give you access to all the free trials, but not the courses, sorry. Paid material is basically an addition to all the free ones right here on my website, so that way people can easily conclude if they want to go more in-depth with it. 🙂

    Hope this helps, and please let me know if there’s anything else.


    1. Just one little correction sorry: it’s ”ES”, not ”mini ES” that I was using for the examples, hope that’s still good!

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