EUR/CHF: Volume Profile And Price Action Analysis

Hello guys,

today, we are going to have a closer look at EUR/CHF.

Yesterday, I was talking about significant Support there in the Weekly Trading Ideas video. If you missed the video, then you can watch it here:

BITCOIN, EUR/USD,EUR/CHF – NEW Volume Profile Trading Ideas (9th August 2021)

After I have published the video, the EUR/CHF went into another strong trend move.

Volume Profile Setup

So currently, there is a strong uptrend there. What I do when there is an uptrend is that use my Flexible Volume Profile over the whole trend area.

I am interested in the volume distribution there. Mostly in significant volume clusters. Those are heavy volume areas created within the trend.

Such a strong volume cluster is around 1.0762.

What does such a volume cluster tell us? It tells us that strong institutional Buyers who were pushing the price upwards were adding massively to their Long positions there – at the place of the volume cluster.

EUR/CHF; 30 Minute chart:

When there is a pullback to this area, then those strong institutional Buyers should defend this area. This area is important for them, because they have entered a lot of their trading positions there before.

They will defend it by placing Market Orders (=aggressive orders) which help to push the price into a trend again.

This is what will make this area (starting at 1.0762) a strong Support.

The setup I used here is the “Volume Profile: Trend Setup“.

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Price Action Setup

Another nice addition to our volume-based setup is a Price Action setup.

This setup tells us that a breached Resistance becomes a Support.

If you look at the picture below, then you can see that the price reacted nicely to the area around 1.0762 before. Therefore, it worked as a Resistance.

This Resistance got breached yesterday and it then became a Support.

What’s  cool about this is that those two setups (Volume Profile and Price Action setups) align nicely together and both point to the same Support around 1.0762

EUR/CHF; 60 Minute chart:

I hope you guys liked my analysis! Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Happy trading,


P.S. Don’t forget to register for the FREE webinar this Thursday (12th August). The topic will be “Long-Term Investing With Volume Profile”.

Register your seat here:

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